I'm kooky, I'm crazy, I live in a hole

Hi, I'm Kook. This is where I dump about the weird spiritual stuff I do.

I am a witch who works with pop culture entities. By that, I mean cartoon and video game characters. Don't judge; sometimes they come to me before I ask.

I am Otherkin and that informs my practice a lot, so I'll do a lot of talking about it here. This is an umbrella term that means different things to different people. In my case it means I'm part of some weird past/parallel life spirit web where I am connected to different "instances" of myself out in the multiverse. Those instances also happen to be cartoon characters. No, I don't pretend to understand how it all works.

I'm also part of the 2D love community which means that I seriously consider at least one fictional character to be my significant other. You'd think this was separate from my spiritual practice, but the characters I'm with were my partners in my otherkin lives... so I suppose that goes here too. (I'll get into more detail about this in an actual blog post, it's a bit of a wild ride.)

Am I insane? Possibly. But it works for me, so I'll keep doing it.

Anyhow, whether you're here because you have a genuine interest in what I do or just because you think I'm a funny spectacle, thanks for the page hits. I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings.